Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

As a diverse congregation, we welcome in the spirit of Christ all women, men, and children without regard for race, nationality, marital status, family composition, sexual orientation, gender-identity, socio-economic status, or physical disability, inviting all to participate fully in the life and ministry of our parish. We encounter Christ in each person and therefore treat …

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Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation

Adat Shalom offers each member a meaningful place within a vibrant, caring and intentional community. The congregation becomes a major part of the social network of many of its members, a place where deep friendships are formed, where members turn to celebrate joyous occasions and to be supported when they are in need. Participation and …

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House of Mercy

As followers of Jesus Christ, we seek to promote the dignity of life by recognizing the uniqueness of every individual regardless of race, creed, age or gender working together in the Body of Christ. We bring the good news to the world by becoming a visible sign of God’s love performed through the spiritual and …

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Faith and Action

Faith and Action is a Christian outreach to top-level government officials located in Washington, D.C., throughout the United States and around the world. Our purpose is to challenge the minds and consciences of public policy makers with the mandate given by Christ in the two Great Commandments: Love God With All Your Heart, Soul, Mind …

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Last Updated: April 23rd, 2020